
Serving the Nations

At HHBC we aim to empower the local body to engage with and participate in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with unreached people by encouraging prayer for those who serve faithfully in overseas posts, preparation to sacrifice time, money and comfort to be an encouragement to the long term workers, and participation in the work of showing and telling the Gospel in unreached places.

How You Can Be Involved


A major way you can be a part of what the Lord is doing among the nations is to partner in prayer. Every week, we feature one of our missions partners and how you can pray for them. Updates and prayer requests are shared during our Sunday services and in our weekly newsletter.

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" - Luke 10:2


At Hays Hills, we seek to give at least 20% of the church's budget towards supporting the work of missionaries across the globe. HHBC contributes to the Cooperative Program Giving through the Southern Baptist Convention.

These funds come from the contributions received during Sunday services and on our online giving page. We encourage our people to give and tithe to support the growth of the Lord's Kingdom locally and among the nations.

advocacy teams

Our advocacy teams are groups that meet with our missions partners monthly via Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime in order to encourage and pray for our partners. If you're interested in being a part of an advocacy team, click the button below to connect with one of our elders!


Hays Hills offers various short-term mission trips to partner with and encourage our missions partners. We encourage our members to pray and consider sacrificing some of their time to serve our partners overseas as we seek to make disciples of all nations. Opportunities for mission trips open occasionally and will be announced to our church!

Missions Partners